The World Relies on One Chip Maker in Taiwan

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.’s chips are everywhere, though most consumers don’t know it.

The company makes almost all of the world’s most sophisticated chips, and many of the simpler ones, too. They’re in billions of products with built-in electronics, including iPhones, personal computers and cars – all without any obvious sign they coame from TSMC. Wall Street Journal

Same-sex marriage support still up substantially since 2018

As Taiwan approaches the third anniversary of its legalization of same-sex marriage on May 24, support for the right of gay couples to wed has risen to 60.9 percent, still up substantially from four years earlier, according to the results of a new survey released Sunday.

%Same-sex Marriage Survey in Taiwan
60.9Support for the right of gay couples to wed
71Same-sex married couples should have the right to adopt children
71.8Agreed that same-sex couples can raise children just as well as opposite-sex couples
76.5Transgender people should dress in whatever way they feel comfortable at school or work
89.4No problem with having a transgender coworker
The Gender Equality Committee’s survey was conducted by telephone from May 4-6 with 1,076 valid responses from people aged 20 and older. It had a confidence level of 95 percent and a margin of error of plus or minus 2.99 percentage points.

Taiwan sees COVID surge last longer amid falling infection figures

For weeks, experts have predicted the daily number of infections would exceed 100,000, first around May 11 and later between May 20 and May 30. However, as the number fell two consecutive days after reaching a record 90,331 Thursday (May 19), the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) said the trend was both a good and bad sign.

In CNAS-Led Taiwan Wargame, No Air Superiority, No Quick Win

In a 2027 invasion of Taiwan by China, neither side achieves air superiority, both sides take heavy losses, and China finds little hope for a fait accompli, according to a recent wargame run by the Center for a New American Security.

The game highlighted the advances China has made and is making in military technology but also drove home the likelihood that logistics will be crucial in a defense of Taiwan, especially against an opponent in close physical proximity to the action.  AirforceMagazine